Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Oklahoma City

Ashlyn and I went to OKC on Wednesday to meet our cousins, Shelley and Celia, at the Children's Science Center. It was a great adventure & the girls seemed to have a blast.
We went to the top of the tree house & looked at the slide. Ashlyn decided that three stories was way too tall for a slide & opted to take the stairs back to the bottom! She enjoyed the seesaw in the log cabin area!
Climbing to the top of the tree house with Celia!
We found this airplane & I was trying to tell her that it was an old Air Force Plane, but before I could finish my sentence, she was sitting under it and yelling, "Mommy take pic sure!" So, I guess this pose was for Daddy!

The girls really enjoyed the train area. There were several to watch in the huge village. They toured this old caboose at the entrance to the village.

Ashlyn made friends with this little boy, especially since she realized that he knew how to make things fly! He was super sweet & showed her how to place the cups in the correct spot.

She had to do it herself, too, of course!

Gee, I never knew how exciting a couple of paper cups and a fan could be!!!

Celia found this pendulum & wanted to give it a try. It was actually pretty neat. The children were able to pick a couple of colors, give it a push or two, and watch as it created their unique design. They were able to take the creation home, too. Oh, did I mention that Ash and I did NOT participate? There was a line of children & I explained to her that we would have to wait until our turn. She was quick to answer, "I no do dis!"
Ash was in HEAVEN! She found a bubble station. We had to play there several times during our visit!
Bubbles, bubbles everywhere! Bubbles, bubbles in her hair!
One last stop...the girls found a face painting station, complete with a giant mirror!

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