Thursday, July 22, 2010

OKC Science Museum - Round Two

Ashlyn and I have made friends with Serena and her two boys, Alex and Brandon. Serena's husband is Rick's partner in his class here in Altus. On Thursdays, we have been going to the library for their story time, and then to lunch. There is an indoor playground at Mc Donald's, which is perfect because of the heat. This week, we decided to invite them to go to the museum with us since they had never been. Serena offered to drive & I called Shelley and Celia to meet us, too. It turned out to be a great day!
Checking out the trains...the boys LOVED the display!
Everyone was heading to see the airplanes, when Ashlyn spotted this phone in the little school house. She ran to the phone screaming, "I call Papa!" She talked and talked & pitched a small fit when I explained to her that we had to move along!

A little "sassy" and still upset over the phone situation!
Playing with the air tunnel & paper cups with Celia and Shelley.
Serena and the boys!
Ashlyn finally got the hang of this rope swing. She would fall off and giggle.
"More Mommy More"

Celia and Ashlyn on the sea-saw. They had to both get on the same end or it did not work!

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