Friday, November 6, 2009

Play date with Grayson!

A good friend of ours was recently diagnosed with cancer. She and her husband have been traveling back and fourth to Houston for her treatments. Rick and I had the chance to help out one afternoon by having a play date with their son, Grayson. It was a great day. We visited with Nana and Poppa, went to the Memorial Park and Pier, watched a movie & hung out at the house for a bit. I think the kids both slept well that night...we sure did!
Grayson and Rick getting dizzy at the park.
Kickball..."that's my ball".

"Get me Daddy, Get Me!"

Sharing Nana with Grayson...well, kind of! Ashlyn and Grayson were all over the place at the park, so we split up and tried to keep up with them. She was fine until she noticed Nana was pushing Grayson in the swing. All of a sudden she needed to be held! :)
Enjoying ice cream on the pier with Nana
Our neighbor, Mrs. Kellie, and I took Ashlyn and Grayson for a walk around the neighbor. They enjoyed looking at the Halloween decorations and counting the pumpkins.

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