Monday, August 10, 2009

The Girls Are Back in Town!!!

Glenda, Brooke, and Cara came back to visit for a couple of days. We did some shopping, watched movies, and took the girls to the Children's Museum. It was a great time!
"I never knew indoor golf could be so much fun!"
(Uh oh! I see us trying to explain this in the future!)
Ash showed Cara around the market & explained that you could only have 6 items or less to hit the express lane...Hahaha
"The French Bread is the BEST, trust me...I get it every time!"
Ash and I hit the toddler room for a bit before joining the girls at the "Cafe"!
Order Ready...Cara and Brooke were the "servers" at the cafe. Glenda and Ashlyn enjoyed the "special"...burgers, peas, and chicken with OJ & chocolate milk! Yummy!!!

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