Monday, August 10, 2009

Ashlyn's 1st Visit & Tour of Daddy's C-17!

On the weekend of July 25th, Aunt Sissy, Uncle Curt, and Justin came to stay at Nana & Poppa's. We had dinner with them, hit the outlets, and Rick took us all out to see the C-17. It was awesome, as it was Ash's first tour!!!

Going upstairs to see Daddy's office!

"I do NOT want to sit here for a picture! There are too many things to see and touch...I must get to them...NOW!!!"
Dis, dis, and more dis!

Pressing Daddy's buttons...literally, for once! Ha ha ha

Checking out the Loadmaster's Station...and trying to get to Daddy's coke!
"So THIS is where Uncle Greg and Ms. Kristin both used to!"

Mommy & Ash having a fun time!
Peek-a-boo! " did you get up there?"
Ash getting her exercise...running back and forth on the plane. Actually, I think there was so much to see & she couldn't make up her mind where to stop, so she just did laps!

Ash checked out the plane from top to bottom and inside out.

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