Sunday, June 14, 2009

Uhhh Ohhh!

I Don't WANT to play!?!?!?! W H A T ???
Ashlyn and I have already spent many days at the Children's Museum this summer. It seems like she finds something new and interesting to play with every time we are there. Rick had the day off last Friday, so we decided to take him to the Museum. It was his first time to get to go with us. I was SO excited to show him around & I couldn't wait for him to get to see Ashlyn play. We were only there for a few minutes before she laid on the floor and started crying...what??? We thought maybe she was tired or hungry, so we headed to Bubba Sly's for a sandwich. You can see, that was NOT the answer! We ended up going home & soon we discovered Ash had a fever. She ended up feeling horrible all weekend & on Monday when she woke up she had a ridiculous rash all over her face & tummy :( After a trip to the doc we learned it was just a virus...three days later, she's back and as happy as EVER!!!

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