Sunday, May 3, 2009

Opening Presents

Ohhhh! Yea!!!!
What is it???
My magic wand will grant wishes...No, no, no I think it would rather dust your tables!

My own airplane!!! My Daddy flies airplanes, now I can, too!

I made some SPECIAL tea just for MY Daddy!
This is PERFECT for the beach. "I wanna go NOW!"

Tub toys, YEA!!!!
This one is BIG!!! Help me, help me, HURRY up, we NEED it open NOW!!
We love pretty outfits!!!
We waited until the day after Ashlyn's party to let her open presents. She really had a great time! It did take a LONG time. As we opened the presents, we took play breaks, snack breaks, pet the doggie breaks...well, I think you get the point! Ahh....the attention span of a 1 year old!!!

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