Friday, May 8, 2009

Birthday continued.........

Our next door neighbor, Alli, and our neighbors on the other side of Alli, Ben and Darlene.
Cara, Ashlyn & Alli on the jump castle.
I believe I can fly....
Daddy liked my cake, too!
Sharing with Papa...I thought he looked really hungry!!!
Bryan, Aunt Vera & Shannon
Aidan, Ash & Aunt Sissy
OK, so for those who were at Ash's party, I am sure you remember me looking for my camera like a MAD woman. For those who were unable to join us, I did misplace my camera about midpoint....only to discover (much later) that I left it at the BBQ pit, so Rick picked it up and put it in his pocket! I have collected a few more pictures from the family that I would like to share.

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