Saturday, January 9, 2010

Christmas with the Collettes

For the first time in 5, or maybe even 6, years, we were all headed to Mom and Dad's at Edisto...well, that's what we thought. Rick actually ended up leaving for a 10 day trip three hours before the celebration...maybe next time! Everyone else managed to make it there. Mom had a wonderful spread of food & the kids played together very well. Uncle Eddie brought Grammy & Pop, so we had all of our grandparents together with us. It was a very special night. I am so happy that Ash could be with everyone!
The Family...Michael, Glenda, Matthew, Mom, Tess, dad, Cara, Lauren, Greg, Brooke, Grayson Mama Fontaine, Me, Madelyn & Ashlyn...only missing Rick!
Grammy & Pop Collette

All of the fun & excitement made Ash very hungry. She enjoyed eating at her new "little people" table with Brooke. I was NOT allowed to any way!
Deep Thoughts by Ashlyn Ann...I like to think she was explaining the family to Madelyn, as it was Maddie's first time to meet everyone. Then again, that would take weeks...
The Girls...(Cara, Madelyn, Brooke & Ashlyn) I asked them to sit quietly and wait on everyone to get ready & we would open presents...and they did! It was a Christmas miracle!
Aunt Glenda and Aunt Tess know the important things...suckers and a shopping cart. Oh yea!!!

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