Sunday, January 31, 2010


On the 26th we headed to Atlanta to celebrate Christmas with the Chadwick's. It was the first time that Ash would get to hang out with her cousins from Atlanta and Kansas.
It was a great time!
Lunch with the BIG girls...Ash sat at the table & ate lunch with her help! I was so proud of her!
"I LOVE my cousins!!!"
Game time!
We decided to hit the aquarium while we were in town. Unfortunately, Poppa was not feeling well, so he had to stay behind. (Which means we have to go back, right?) It was definitely an awesome experience. The exhibits were wonderful & Ashlyn's excitement was PRICELESS!!!

In case you were wondering..."What's harder than keeping up with a 20 month old at an aquarium?"

I wanted to let you know the answer..."Keeping up with an excited 20 month old and her excited Nana at an aquarium!!!"

"Please tell us everything...we love this place!"
I think we could have left Ashlyn in the observatory room for days. She loved sitting right up against the glass and watching the fish.
"Happy Feet....we found Mumble's friends. This is the best day ever!!!"
Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta...we were looking for Rick & Matthew's bricks. We found them!

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