Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Caroling with Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church!

Sunday night was our church's Christmas get together and Christmas caroling. I was so excited that Rick was home & able to go. This is going to be a new tradition for us. Hopefully Ash will enjoy it as much as I did when I was a child!
Get your gear on!!! Rick and Ash getting ready to walk the streets of the Old Village!
Singing at one of the neighborhood houses...Ashlyn broke through the crowd to get up the stairs & say "hi". Rick and I were worried that she was thinking that she was going to get candy, like at Halloween.
Taking a break...Ashlyn did a great job keeping up with everyone. She made it for about 35 minutes in the neighborhood before she was ready for a lift.
This is fun...let's go to more houses!
Cookies and hot chocolate by the bonfire! Yum!
Great night...new family tradition!

Christmas Choas!

Tuesday was our neighborhood's playgroup Christmas party. A nice, brave soul volunteered her home for the occasion. The kids had a blast & the Mommies exchanged cookies. It was a great idea, as I had many different sweets waiting for Rick to try when he came home from his trip!
How many kids can we fit into one living room? (Thankfully, not mine...Ha ha!)
Goldfish...still a BIG hit!
Almost the whole group...we attempted to get all of the kids to sit on the couch for a group picture...not going to happen! This was our best shot. You can see there is one escaping on the left...there were also a set of twins and two little girls that were NOT having any part of this idea! I cannot say that I would not have agreed with them, if I were a little one...wait, did I just admit that?

Cookie Time!

Wednesday was our last day of school & our Christmas party. Ms. Hannah and I decided to make cookies for the kids. She came over to the house & as you can see, Ash was right in the middle of all of the fun. She LOVED eating the dough...esp. the gingerbread!!!
Yummy, yummy in my tummy!!!

Mt. P Christmas Parade!

Last Sunday, Ash and I met up with Nana and Poppa to watch the town Christmas parade. They were nice enough to go early and save us a spot. They even had chili and coffee! Thanks...it was an awesome time!
Waiting, waiting, and waiting! A snack or two might help the time pass!
Tootsie Pops! My FAVORITE!!!
Ashlyn had a blast collecting goodies from the folks in the parade. She could not stay on the sidewalk. She kept going closer and closer to the floats!

Look! Look!
Poppa, Nana, Ash & I ...We tried to wait to see Santa(he is always last), but it started raining. We headed out just in time...we even beat the traffic. Yeah!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Follow me...I am going to see ALL of the trees!!!
We found "the one" Mommy...come check it out!

What are we doing in da' woods?
This way Mommy!
Wait up Daddy!

Rick and I decided to take Ashlyn to Toogoodoo Christmas Tree Farm - a place we both went to when we were children. You get to pick, cut, and carry your own tree. Ash, Bono, and I followed Rick all over the farm. I was afraid to say it, but I just did not see what I was looking for. (We later found out that the place was under new ownership, after sitting for a couple...figures!)Finally, Rick admitted that he was not finding anything, either. It was a fun journey, but, we ended up heading back to Mt. Pleasant to go to our favorite little tree stand - a guy who brings trees from North Carolina each year. We found a good one!
Thanksgiving afternoon - Ash and Mama watching "Home Alone".