Monday, January 2, 2012

Atlanta...Girls' Weekend!!!

Girls on a get the perfect American Girl doll!

Ashlyn had been wanting her own AG doll for awhile. Her cousins, Cara & Brooke, have several of the dolls and let Ash play with them. She has the Bitty baby from her first Christmas & we went to the store when we were out in Dallas, but she does not remember. So, when I was telling my friend, Julie, that I was thinking of going to Atlanta, she quickly joined me on my mission! We were so excited to plan a girls' trip!

Ash & excited to finally be in Atlanta...ready to find a doll! We made it...come on already!!!
The girls decided to get dolls that look like them! There were two cases of dolls on display. We looked & looked until we found the perfect ones!

Ashlyn with her new doll! She could hardly wait to take her out of that box!

After picking our dolls out, we went to the Bistro and had dinner and tea.

The food was yummy & very cute!

Ashlyn loved serving the fruity tea and lemonade.

Ashlyn hanging out with the newest member of our family, "Ashlyn Girl!"

Avery & Ashlyn saying the blessing.

Ashlyn decided to take her doll to the boutique and have her ears pierced.

Ashlyn, Ashlyn Girl, Avery, and Avery Girl

After all the shopping, we decided to take a break at the store library & read to the dolls!

We headed back to the hotel pretty early, as the girls were exhausted. Then, they was the second wind...yep, they played with the dolls for hours!

Starting to get tired...watching TV with the dolls!

I think Ashlyn fell asleep in the middle of saying prayers!

Silly girls!

The dolls went with us to breakfast, of course!

We headed back on Saturday.

The girls had a blast & Ashlyn is already asking if we can go there again!

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