Monday, October 24, 2011

Ashlyn's 1st day of school...I cannot believe that she is 3!

So, after much anticipation, the day finally arrived! I think I was more upset than Ash...OK, I was totally the ONLY one upset! After having Ashlyn in my class for two years, she would be leaving me this year to go to the 3's class. She is now a member of Ms. Cara & Ms. Kim's Fish Pond!!!

On the first day, all of the parents met with the teachers & then went to orientation. I had to be with my new class, so Rick and Anna went with Ashlyn. I was able to pop in for a couple of seconds near the end. I was so afraid that Ashlyn was going to cry, but she never did!

She loves her new class! The first day of class. Ashlyn was so excited to be going to the "big kid" class. She thinks that it is hysterical that I have to stay with the"babies"!

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