Sunday, July 17, 2011

End of School Party!!!

I was so proud of my Turtle Pond & their singing at the end of year performance and graduation. They all did a great job & I almost made it without any tears...ALMOST! I had such a wonderful time this year & LOVED having Ash with me. I am really going to miss her next year, but I know that she will enjoy being in the 3's with Ms. Cara & Ms. Kim. Thankfully, they are next door & I can peek in on her!

The Turtles marched into the room singing "Jesus Loves the Little Children!"

They sang their ABC's!
"Ten Turtles in the Pond!"

Ashlyn did AWESOME!

Waiting to go see the family & go to the party.

The Turtle Pond Luau...Kate, Ashlyn, Avery, Alex, Noah, and Ben hanging out & enjoying the snacks.

Daddy, Nana, Aunt Jeanne, and Papa were there to celebrate, too!

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