Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Egg Hunt & Easter Party at HIS School

On the last day of school, before Spring Break, our class had an egg hunt and Easter party. It was so cute! Rick came to help Hannah & I with setting up and hiding eggs. Mindy and Julie, two of my students' moms, brought food and assisted with the hunt.
Waiting (I would NOT say patiently!) to go find the eggs!
Rick hiding the eggs for the one year old class!
Ready, Set............... GO!!!

"I gon'na get cha!"
Where are the eggs?
Looking for eggs!
The class! I am so proud of my little buddies! They have really come a long way since August. I just hope I can get through the end of the year...I am really going to be sad when they have to go to Ms. Jennifer and Ms. Cara's class. Love you guys!!!

Parents came to help with the party! We had yummy snacks and cupcakes!
Cake with suger on top = My FAVORITE!!!

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