Saturday, February 13, 2010

Christmas...the final celebration!

Rick made it home New Year's Eve. We went to Sylvania New Year's Day. We had a "couch potato" day on the second. Then...SANTA came & we celebrated Christmas on the 3rd. It was awesome. Ashlyn was so excited when she came downstairs and saw all of her toys. We had to take a breakfast break, nap, and well, we didn't get to the stockings until the 4th!!!
It was the best day! We love you Rick & are so proud of all that you do!!!
"Ooooh Prize!"
Helping Daddy open presents!


"Cu Lar"
"How did Santa know that I love to cook?"
"See ya later high chair...I have a BIG girl table!" "Booots, booots, booots!!!" I think Rick and I could have screamed if we heard "booots" one more time. We love you Ash! I brought Ash a pair of cowgirl boots back from San Antonio. They did not fit exactly right, but she played in them anyway!

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