Glenda, Brooke, and Cara came to visit us for a couple of days. We decided to take the girls down to Splash Island for the afternoon. Ash had to walk around with me to check things out, at first, but then she was ready to explore on her own.


Wooooo Whooooooo!
Ashlyn is not old (or tall) enough to go down the slides on her own, so Cara took her down....many times! :)

Ashlyn, Brooke & Cara

Yea! We love the water!
Later, we decided to head down to the Memorial Park and Pier. We were there in time to catch the sunset. It was beautiful!

Later, we decided to head down to the Memorial Park and Pier. We were there in time to catch the sunset. It was beautiful!

We found them!!!
The park has a memorial statue and the sidewalks are lined with bricks that have been printed with the names of residents that have served our country during the time of war. Rick and Popa each have a brick (next to each other), which we are very proud to go see. I think it is so awesome that Rick and I got married here, Ashlyn was born here, we went to the grand opening of the park, and will always be able to go back...a very special place that will always have family memories!
The bricks have not been completed, but we wanted a picture anyways! Here is Popa's Korean War brick and Rick's Operation Enduring Freedom & Operation Iraqi Freedom brick. Yea!!!

Heading down the pier on the Wando River...Brooke kept reassuring me that she was fine pushing Ash & that she could see where they were going. I am still not completely convinced! Ha 
After checking out the view, an ice cream break, and a small incident that lead to a change of clothes (Thank God we had some in the car!), we ended the visit with a stop on the play ground.

After checking out the view, an ice cream break, and a small incident that lead to a change of clothes (Thank God we had some in the car!), we ended the visit with a stop on the play ground.
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