On Friday we headed down to Beaufort to meet up with Papa Chadwick's family from Connecticut. They were in town to celebrate and attend Kyle's graduation from the Marine Corps boot camp. He started in July (yes, can you imagine how hot it was!!!) and finished this week. It was great to see everyone & we were excited to be a part of this day for Kyle.

Michael, Lisa, Kyle, and Kevin Hart

Rick and Kyle
Bob, Kyle, and Terri Lisa, Ashlyn, and Kevin
Ash, Rick, and Leah
With this day in mind, I do have a challenge (yes, we are a competitive family here) to our friends and family (definitely the family) .....make it a goal to purchase an American flag before the New Year and have it up and going. Support OUR guys & the troops. And for those of you, and I know you are out there, that just said "I already have one," THANKS!!, but the challenge goes on....purchase one for your car or, better yet, your neighbor who needs one. Hey, what a great Christmas idea!
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