Sunday, July 17, 2011

Be' Be' Ballet Recital

I cannot believe that Ashlyn completed her first year of ballet! She really loved going to Ms. Jessica's class each week & learned more than we ever thought she would. The recital was in the local High School auditorium. There were a couple hundred people there & Ashlyn went right onto the stage and did her dance. Rick and I were so PROUD!!!

Ashlyn (second from the left) and her class danced to "I Don't Want to Live on the Moon." Daddy gave Ashlyn her first roses!
Ashlyn, Meme, and Popa

Papa, Ashlyn, Nana, and Aunt Jeanne.

We were so excited that the recital was during Aunt Jeanne's visit!

Mommy, Daddy, and Ashlyn...she looked so beautiful & did a great job!

Daddy & Ash...always playing like monkeys!

So sweet!

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