Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sylvania - Aidan's 4th Birthday

Aunt Sissy, Ash, Nana, and Aunt Vera The pool and slide looked great...from the side with Nana to hold onto!

Ashlyn eventually warmed up to the idea of the ladder, however, that is as far as she went. She decided to wait until another time, probably when Daddy is around, to attempt the slide.
Jumping on the side was a blast!
The water balloons were cool, too.

Ashlyn liked to just throw them rather than play the game.
Cake is always delicious!!!
Round two...Ashlyn got a sugar fix & then decided to hit the water again. This time, she decided to try to fill the car with water, one cup at a time!

There was an occasional dump on the head, too, just for fun!
Aidan was sweet enough to assist Ashlyn with getting her cups of water!

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