Saturday, July 11, 2009

Uncle Matt's Visit

Matthew didn't get to come home for Father's Day weekend, so he came down later that week. Rick had Friday off from work, so we decided to take Ashlyn out on the boat for her second trip. Since she didn't get to swim on her first outing, we decided it would be the perfect day....
Which button makes this baby GO?
"Hey guys...What happens if you pull up the anchor?" I'm just askin' for future references... Maybe sooner than later...Hahahahaha
Go Uncle Matt! Yea!!!
Uhhh..."Uncle Matt, maybe you should go first! I'll watch...Are you really going to drop me???"
Off the side of the boat & hanging out with Dad! We let her keep her "ga ga" at first. I think it made things seem less frightening. What a great afternoon!
Mommy, Daddy & Ash swimming in the Wando. After a few minutes, Ash was used to the water & having fun. No one ever mentioned it was like 35 feet deep! Sometimes we just don't talk about everything!

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