Saturday, February 28, 2009

On the GOOOOOOO!!!

Ashlyn has really been a joy over the last couple of weeks (maybe a little challenge, too). She started crawling and standing and, well, you name it! Our house may never be the same......
Jason, Want to race?
I bet you I am the fastest.....Told you soooooooo!
Kierlan and Ashlyn at The Little Gym. They were up to something...I have no idea what! Gavin and Ash having a drink.....of MILK!!! Haha Checking things out at Alhambra Park Good news...the swings have not changed...they are still as fun as ever!!! Rick took Ashlyn down the slides for the first time....she thought they were great! Maybe a little bit less interesting when she was by herself, but only at first. So, we have been keeping pretty busy with play dates and going to the park. Ashlyn has developed quite the little ring of friends.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Family Day....

This is one of my favorite pictures of Rick & Ash. Ash & Rick on one of the fishing docks....we plan on going back when it warms up
(and the tide is high),
as we are going to catch a BIG one out there! Checking out the fiddler crabs. There were tons! Ash, Bono & I on the way down to the dock. Since Rick is on a 7 and 7 schedule now, we try to plan a family day before he leaves each week for work. This past week, we decided to go to the park at Alhambra, however, when we arrived with Bono, we could not stay. I completely forgot they do not allow dogs. After driving around for a bit, I remembered a park that one of my residents once took me to. It was dedicated to her and her husband for their services to the Mt. Pleasant community years and years ago. (My residents always explained things that way..."years and years ago") Apparently they were the first doctor and nurse in the area & they made house calls....she would stay with the really sick folks for days. Anyway, we found the park and we found the historical marker telling all about them, as well as one telling about the bridge, etc. This will probably be one of our new favorite spots....there are so many here!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Just having FUN!!!

It seems like it all started in Dec. with Gavin's birthday....everyone is turning 1! There has been lots of cake and goodies, which reminds me of Ashlyn's other new habit (is that the right word?) She will ONLY eat what we are having! Move over Gerber, hello food grinder!
This is getting interesting!

The Birthday Girl.........Addison turned the BIG 1 on the fourth, but we celebrated this afternoon. Addison enjoyed having her own cupcake. Ash and Rick hanging out at Addison's party. The neighborhood play group celebrated Alex's 1st Birthday! Music Masters....Ash and Lincoln take turns playing DJ at the music table. Ok, not really, they were just playing everything at the same time. Hey, whatever makes them happy, right? With the new adventure of crawling comes the new adventure of having to watch Ash every second, so I find things like boxes to keep her in one spot while I try to get things done around the house. You would be SURPRISED how entertaining these cardboard cages, I mean boxes, can be!

Hanging out with Popa on ONE of the cold days that have actually had this year..... Even waking up early in the morning & having to wait on someone to come rescue her can be FUN! She loves "HELPING OUT" in the kitchen! This was the start of a very busy couple of weeks for us.....Ashlyn is now crawling, standing, Dadadada-ing, Mamamama-ing, and popping up little teeth like crazy!