April 18...wow, I cannot believe that Ashlyn is 3!
We decided to have her birthday party at the aquarium this year, as it has turned into one of her favorite places to visit. It truly was a great idea. The kids LOVED it!

The kids LOVED the animal encounters. They were able to touch sea urchins, a horseshoe crab, turtles, snakes, an alligator, and check out an owl.

I was SO surprised by the children's response to the snake! They all wanted to touch & feel. Notice that all of the adults are missing from this picture!
Look at Ash's smirk...she has NO FEAR!
The owl...we didn't get to touch him...he was blind & sensitive.


They couldn't keep there hands off of this little guy!

The Chadwicks!

The key to Ash's heart...princess stuff!

Thank you Aunt Sissy & I love you!
"Paint me like a mermaid, okay?"
Sitting so still & patiently...I had to have a picture! Ha Ha


They couldn't keep there hands off of this little guy!

The Chadwicks!

The key to Ash's heart...princess stuff!

Thank you Aunt Sissy & I love you!

Aidan & Ashlyn
We saved a few gifts for Ashlyn to open on Monday, her actual birthday. It also turned out to be a great day! We went to get pedicures & manicures. She was adorable! Then we went to the toy store & played for a bit. When Rick came home from work, we opened presents & then went to dinner at Gringos. Ash wanted a "kay see dee za".

Happy Birthday Beba! We love you & are so blessed to have you in our lives!