Monday, September 28, 2009

Edisto here we come!

Mimi and Papa Collette decided to go on a much needed vacation for four days, so Rick, Ashlyn & I volunteered to "Grandma sit" with Mama Fountain. It was a very special weekend for me, as I wanted Ash to spend some time with Mama. Ash was very sweet to her. She would play in the room & Mama would watch her. Then every once in awhile she would go over and rub Mama's leg and say "mam ma" in the softest voice! They ate meals together & I will never forget the kiss Ash gave Mama one night after Rick and I got her in bed. AWESOME! Many thanks to Rick for helping me, too. I am very proud of his "nurse" skills. It really meant a lot!
Bath Time! If only I had known that measuring cups were so very entertaining!!! Here I am spending money on bath toys, and I had some in my kitchen all along!
Mama's sitter came for part of the day, on Saturday, so Rick and I took Ashlyn down to the beach for a little bit. We went to the sound, which is the area that we took Bono as a puppy, as well as the area we used to go walking when we were dating. My family has always enjoyed the calm waves there because the kids can swim & there are often dolphins around. A great place to keep in our lives, as it holds a lot of history...wonderful memories!

"Look Daddy, what's this?"

Edisto in September = A Little Bit of Heaven!!!
Watching the seagulls fly around.
"I AM going to get me one of those birdies!"
Yummy! Papa gave me a moon pie...I had never heard of one, but I decided that I like it a lot!!!
Mimi and Papa came home on Monday & Ashlyn and I spent the day with them. Rick had to leave earlier that morning to go into base.

Nana's Birthday!

Let's open your presents!
"Nana wants me to taste it first!"

Nana Chadwick's Birthday was Sept.18th. She and Poppa picked Ashlyn up, so that they could play for a couple of hours. Nana did not know that when she came back, we would have dinner & a little "party" waiting. It was great. Poppa brought scallops for the grill & we had pasta and salad to go with them. After a couple of presents, we were VERY happy to have some ice cream cake! It turned out to be a very fun evening!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"Oot Bawwwl"

Rick and Ash waiting for the kick-off of the first game of the season.
Go Dawwwwgs Go!!! Yes, she was screaming at the TV! She had to learn this from someone, right? Hummmmmmm

Rick and I have wanted to go to Athens and catch a UGA game for a couple of years now. A couple of weeks ago, we finally got the chance. We had a really great time. Shannon, Bryan, and Aidan met us for lunch before the game. We also got to meet up with Rick's friend Russ, who was in town from Texas. Thank you Nana and Poppa for watching Ashlyn for the night!!!
Ha Ha Ha So, on the way to the game, Rick and I talked about Ash going to college. We were joking about where she should go & where she should not go. (Like we really get to pick, right?) As we walked through the student tailgating section, I could see a different kind of look on his face. Without having to ask him , he turned to me and said, "Do you think she would consider Bob Jones?" I love how much he loves Ash and wants to protect her :)

Ash wearing the dress that her Daddy brought her back from our trip to Athens for the UGA n USC game & waiting for kick-off for game three.

Charles Towne Landing!

Rick and I wanted to spend the day with Ash since we were both home & he would be leaving the next morning for a week. It was a pretty cool day, so we decided to head over to Charles Towne Landing. We were not going to do the tours, etc., but we thought she might like the animals. (A good test to see how she would do at the Columbia Zoo before we make the trip in Oct.) Rick and I had not been there since we were children. Things were pretty much the same. They had some deer, a bear, a bobcat, a fox... Ashlyn actually had a blast, so we enjoyed just watching her. They had a bird cage that we could walk into, which was great, as she is fascinated with ALL birds!
Checking out the Otters
Heading down the trails that lead to the animals. Pretty exciting, as it was Ash's first big outing that she was not in the stroller.
"Come on you guys, I want to go this way...NOW!"
Checking out the animals with Mommy!
They always say that all of the locals are on "Island Time". I often wonder if it is just that Southerners are laid back and relaxed & don't want to miss anything, so they take their time. Maybe the heat makes us lazy...maybe we are just slow...Whatever it is, this bear has caught on. He was completely relaxed & did nothing but stretch. Yes, that is his leg resting on the fence. At one point, he switched sides and had his other leg on the fence. What a life!
About an hour of walking the trails was all she could take. Then we pushed her in the stroller the rest of the way & she was out as soon as we got to the car. It was a great day!

Driveway Fun!

Oh yea! This is awesome!

Bono (in the background) decided to go to the other side of the yard...maybe so that everyone will know that he was NOT involved in our art disaster, I mean display! Yes, he seems to get blamed for MORE things these days!

"I promise not to eat the chalk"...wink, wink, wink!

Ash and I like to be outside when Rick gets home in the afternoons (when he is working for the Reserves). This particular day, we decided it would be nice to have some pictures waiting for him. You can see the portrait we created...I'll let you figure out who is was supposed to be!

Ha Ha ....We love you Daddy!

School Dayzzzzzzzzzz!

Good News! Today we found out that our pre-school program (in it's second year) has been granted the funds to expand! We were hoping to "grow" for the next school year, but we have been blessed with the news that we will be expanding over Christmas break! Three classes will be added and a 4 year old program will start! I have been offered to go to full time. (it would still be half days) Ash could still be with me! I will keep you posted on my decision!
Kiera and Ash waiting on story time. They have become partners in crime, I mean buddies!
Snack time! Monday & Wednesday 1's : Ash, Lucy, Alias, Avery (Ash's friend since we joined the Little Gym when she was 4 months), Andrew and Kiera

August 12th was a big day for Ashlyn and I, as we started school! Yes, I said WE! After being a sub for Holy Cross's pre-school this summer, I was offered a position as a teacher for the one year old class. I was so excited, as we have really enjoyed our time with the kids and staff at Holy Cross. It only took me a second to realize that I wanted the job. It is perfect! I get to work part time, Ash gets to be around other children, and best of all, she is in my class!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mommy is 30!

I could not have had a better birthday celebration! Rick, Ash, and I spent the weekend with family, which was perfect. It started with Terri and Bob having us over for dinner. Bob cooked my new FAVORITE meal...steak and pepper sandwiches. They are so YUMMY!!!
On Sunday, we went to lunch at the Noisy Oyster with the Collettes. (Our tradition since Dad and I have birthdays 24 hours apart)This year we decided to also go on a carriage tour since Dad has never done it before...YES, he has lived here 60+ years! We made it about half way before a rain storm hit. I was worried that our day was ruined, but we actually laughed so much & it turned out great!
Michael, Glenda, Me & Cara
Papa, Mimi, Brooke, Ash & Rick
Ash didn't mind the horses...from a distance!
On Monday(my actual birthday), Rick and Ash took me to a Riverdogs game. We had such a wonderful time. Ash enjoyed eating fruit snacks, cheerios, some of my hot dog, some of Rick's pizza, peanuts, and dipping dots! I thought she was going to get sick at any moment, but she never did!
Excited about the game!!! Lucky for us, we have several teams that can be referred to as "dawwwgs"! (Keeps things easy& we can practice throughout the year, yea!)
Ash loves to scream "Go dawwwwgs Go!"
Getting a little "sassy"...I think she was frustrated that I was taking so many pictures while she was trying to watch the game. (or eat, which ever! )
Gee little girl, where did you get those curls?
Ha ha! They left the peanuts unattended! What were they thinking, or were they?
I'm gonna' get a good one!
Are you supposed to eat the shells, too? Huh...don't mind if I do!
Hanging out and watching the game! Turning 30 wasn't too bad, esp. since I was able to spend the day with my two FAVORITE people!!! XOXOXOXOX