Monday, August 10, 2009


Walking with Mimi...making footprints in the sand...I have a picture just like this of Mom and I years ago!
I have to find the perfect place to build my castle....
Juice Break!
Here's the spot for my fortress!!!

The last week in July, Rick was working, so Ash and I decided to head to Edisto to visit Mimi and Papa. We stayed a couple of days, which was awesome because we got to visit with Mama and go to the beach. Mimi and I took Ash to the same place that I used to go as a child-down by the sound, where the water is very calm, the beach has tons of shells, and a small pool forms at low tide.It is the perfect place for little ones to play! Pretty cool spot, as I remember going there with Rick when we were young, as well as Rick & I taking Bono there for his first visit to the ocean when he was a puppy!

Ashlyn's 1st Visit & Tour of Daddy's C-17!

On the weekend of July 25th, Aunt Sissy, Uncle Curt, and Justin came to stay at Nana & Poppa's. We had dinner with them, hit the outlets, and Rick took us all out to see the C-17. It was awesome, as it was Ash's first tour!!!

Going upstairs to see Daddy's office!

"I do NOT want to sit here for a picture! There are too many things to see and touch...I must get to them...NOW!!!"
Dis, dis, and more dis!

Pressing Daddy's buttons...literally, for once! Ha ha ha

Checking out the Loadmaster's Station...and trying to get to Daddy's coke!
"So THIS is where Uncle Greg and Ms. Kristin both used to!"

Mommy & Ash having a fun time!
Peek-a-boo! " did you get up there?"
Ash getting her exercise...running back and forth on the plane. Actually, I think there was so much to see & she couldn't make up her mind where to stop, so she just did laps!

Ash checked out the plane from top to bottom and inside out.

Memorial Park with Daddy

Rick & Ashlyn by the of my favorite pictures from this summer :)
Being silly with Mommy!
It seems like every time we head to the park & pier Ash's interests are different. Sometimes she loves the lights, sometimes the swings, sometimes the water fountain, but this time it was the field! She just wanted to run around and squeal!
Ash and I took Lauren back to Mimi's & then we headed to the park. Rick, Nana & Poppa met us there for a couple of hours. It was a great evening.

Yea!!! Lauren is here!!!

Lauren came to visit everyone for a few weeks (all the way from Seattle). She spent time with Mimi & Papa, Corey & Erin, the Fennessy's, and Rick, Ash & I. We had such a great time with her. We watched movies, went to the arcade at Black Beard's Cove, went shopping, and took the boat out for the afternoon. Lauren, Mimi, and Papa met us at the landing & we headed through the harbor from there. We cruised through to James Island & then over by John's Island, where we found the perfect tubing water. I think Lauren could have stayed out there for days! Mimi & Papa really enjoyed the view. We decided to leave Ash with Poppa Chadwick, as she is a busy bee these days & we wanted to be able to focus some time on Lauren :)
Lauren drove us around for a bit. She did great...we didn't even hit a sand bar!

Mimi and Papa Collette on their first boat ride in the Charleston Harbor...well, with us.

Lauren, Ash & Mommy enjoying watermelon on the back porch after dinner.
Ashlyn did not get to go out in the boat with us, so we let her play in the water when we got back to the house. She was fascinated by the idea of getting soaked while in her clothes and shoes. Who knew that "helping" clean the boat could ever be so much fun!!!

The Girls Are Back in Town!!!

Glenda, Brooke, and Cara came back to visit for a couple of days. We did some shopping, watched movies, and took the girls to the Children's Museum. It was a great time!
"I never knew indoor golf could be so much fun!"
(Uh oh! I see us trying to explain this in the future!)
Ash showed Cara around the market & explained that you could only have 6 items or less to hit the express lane...Hahaha
"The French Bread is the BEST, trust me...I get it every time!"
Ash and I hit the toddler room for a bit before joining the girls at the "Cafe"!
Order Ready...Cara and Brooke were the "servers" at the cafe. Glenda and Ashlyn enjoyed the "special"...burgers, peas, and chicken with OJ & chocolate milk! Yummy!!!

Water Park with Daddy!

Lunch Break...Ashlyn really likes to taste the food...everyone's food! I think the french fries are here all time favorite!
Look at me, Daddy!!!
Playing in the pool with Mommy
Rick was home and had the day off, so Ash and I took him to Splash Island for the afternoon. We have been there several times this summer, but this was Rick's first visit.