Just in case she changed her mind, I went back for more!!! Lesson learned! I should just leave her alone for now. I think we'll wait for Rick to conquer this task!

Waiting to try cereal for the first time...BAD timing on my part. She was already having a day & I just added to the stress. The cereal came back at me as fast as I could give it to her. Then she just screamed!

OK-Girls Night Out used to have a different meaning-food, friends, fun......Life has changed! Ashlyn has been going through something for the last couple of days. I'm not sure exactly what. A cold, a fever, some teething, or maybe just the blahhs because of all the rain. Who knows!?!Rick and I have found ourselves trying everything possible & our little princess just does not seem to calm down. So, last night when I found myself watching TV after midnight and holding a wide awake baby, who would scream if I moved, I realized that Girls Night Out has become Girls Night Up, only referring to Ashlyn and myself. Hey-what can you do? I love her to pieces! With all of that said, you can imagine why we don't have any exciting pictures of our last outing or a trip to the beach. However, I have managed to snap a shot here and there of Ashlyn hanging out at the house. I guess there has been a couple of smiles!