Rick finally made it home...The next day we were off to the pool again. This time, we all had a blast. Ashlyn stayed in the water much longer & then the usual...she took a nap!

Hanging out with Nana...the beach round 2! We went to the Isle of Palms for the day. Ashlyn loved being under the umbrella in the shade. We actually got to stay for 4 hours without any tears! We are working on it....soon we'll have her surfing!

With Rick back in training for a couple of weeks, Ashlyn and I decided to do a little more traveling and visiting. We went to Holden's Beach for a couple of days. She got a little spoiled because Ben, Laura, Brooke, and Cara took turns holding her. Then, we headed to Edisto to see Mimi and Papa Collette and Great Grandma Fontaine. She was doing well & enjoyed spending time with Ashlyn.

Back in Mt. Pleasant...Cara and Lauren come spend a night. Ashlyn's 1st sleep over, I suppose. We went back to the pool. I was pleasantly surprised, as she enjoyed the water and the sunshine this time. I knew she would come around.

Outside of our condo. We had a beautiful view. However, the water was too rough to swim in this area. We could watch the evening storms roll in everyday.

Michael, Glenda, Cara, Brooke, and Ashton (the babysitter) rode the "bum" cart in the parade. We had decorated it the night before.

Waiting for the 4th of July parade to begin...Ashlyn gave up! She ended up sleeping throgh the whole thing. Maybe next year!

Ashlyn did enjoy her beach tent. You guessed it...she slept in there, too.

We took Ashlyn to the beach for the day. She was not quite as excited as we were about the BIG event of putting her feet in the Atlantic for the 1st time! That's Ok. As much as we enjoy the water, she'll come around. It's just a matter of time. She'll be our little "Beach Babe" soon enough!

Hunting Island Lighthouse...the only one that is open to climb in SC. Ashlyn was not old enough to go to the top, so Rick waited with her on the ground. You could see a faint Edisto in the distance, where Rick and I grew up. That was pretty cool, since it is about 2 hours away if you drive. They say you can get there in about 20 minutes by boat...hum.