Thursday, October 23, 2008

Growing Girl!!!

After many, many, many attempts Ashlyn has finally decided to start eating! She loves her fruits (that's as far as we have made it) and juice. She even got all crazy yesterday & tried to hold her own bottle. Yea! What's next?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Parris Island-Beaufort, SC

On Friday we headed down to Beaufort to meet up with Papa Chadwick's family from Connecticut. They were in town to celebrate and attend Kyle's graduation from the Marine Corps boot camp. He started in July (yes, can you imagine how hot it was!!!) and finished this week. It was great to see everyone & we were excited to be a part of this day for Kyle.

Michael, Lisa, Kyle, and Kevin Hart

Rick and Kyle

Bob, Kyle, and Terri Lisa, Ashlyn, and Kevin

Ash, Rick, and Leah

With this day in mind, I do have a challenge (yes, we are a competitive family here) to our friends and family (definitely the family) .....make it a goal to purchase an American flag before the New Year and have it up and going. Support OUR guys & the troops. And for those of you, and I know you are out there, that just said "I already have one," THANKS!!, but the challenge goes on....purchase one for your car or, better yet, your neighbor who needs one. Hey, what a great Christmas idea!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Back to the Beach-YES...It is October!!!

Beach BABE in the making!!!
Just hanging out at Breech Inlet... One of our favorite spots for walking and relaxing. You cannot swim here because of the currents, but the view is awesome!

Well, there is NO complaining about the weather here! It is October and we are still hitting the beach! Ashlyn is liking it more and more. I knew she would. Look how far she has already come!

July October

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Aunt Jeanne's Visit

Rick and I with Aunt Jeanne and Ashlyn. We were able to visit with Jeanne before and after our weekend away. We were even able to catch dinner a couple of times.
Nana and Papa even took Ash on a road trip! They headed down to Sylvania, GA to see the Bazemore side of the family. Here is Ashlyn with Shirley, Aidan, and Aunt Jeanne. Aunt Sissy took a turn rocking, too. I don't know if Ashlyn even knew we were gone, with all the attention!

Taking a nap??? Fighting sleep??? Who knows...just hanging out. They say she turned over for the first time that day...without me? I don't believe it...Hehehe
At the beach with Nana, Papa, and Aunt Jeanne!
Hanging out at the house with Aunt Jeanne...Bono, too!

The weekend of Sept 20th was a big one for the Chadwick family.....big for Rick and I because we traveled to Colorado Springs for his 10 year reunion at the USAFA....big for Ashlyn because it was the first time we left her for more than one night....big for Nana and Papa because not only were they keeping Ashlyn for several days and nights, but also because Aunt Jeanne (Bob's sister)was coming down from Connecticut for the week. This was the first time Jeanne met Ashlyn. As excited and nervous as I was, everything went well, and Ashlyn seemed to have loads of fun. Who wouldn't when they were getting spoiled 24/7? Aunt Glenda and Brooke even came down to entertain Ash for a night!!!